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Louisiana Louisiana Charity Scout

Nonprofits in Louisiana

Organization Name Tax Period Revenue Assets + Funds Income
National Federation Of The Blind Of Louisiana Inc 2015-12-15 $99,328 $70,117 $1,317,526
First Louisiana-mississippi Inc 2015-12-15 $99,221 $50,057 $99,221
Iowa Elderly Houseing Corporation 2016-06-15 $99,184 $1,167,781 $99,184
Family Promise Of Acadiana 2014-12-15 $99,121 $83,295 $99,121
State Chartered Credit Unions In Louisiana 2015-12-15 $99,043 $2,797,849 $99,043
Gramercy Alumina Llc - United Steelworkers Retiree Benefit Trust 2015-12-15 $98,903 $3,348,885 $98,903
Louisiana Hotel-motel Association Inc 2014-12-15 $98,723 $114,578 $98,723
United States Bowling Congress Inc 2016-07-15 $98,610 $24,473 $103,768
Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue 2015-12-15 $98,590 $5,944 $102,105
Shreveport Assoc For The Blind Charitable Trust 2015-12-15 $98,443 $1,570,016 $2,098,539
Rotary International 2016-06-15 $98,402 $32,453 $98,402
Blocker Water Works Corporation 2015-12-15 $98,329 $449,454 $98,329
Youth Rescue Initiative Inc 2015-12-15 $98,318 $8,888 $98,318
Village Du Vie Inc 2015-12-15 $98,183 $512,716 $98,183
Apf Ministries 2015-12-15 $98,169 $746,337 $98,169
** This Document Provided By CharityScout **
Source: http://www.charityscout.org/states/louisiana?page=242